Dnipro, Dnipro, vul. Monitorna, 2


Dnipro, Monitornaya St., 2

If you have a pet (a bird, fish, dog, rodent or kitten), know that you can find quality products at low prices in the city. The MasterZoo store is located at the following address: Dnipro, Monitornaya St., 2, in the Novokodatsky district. If it is too far from home and it is more convenient for you to order online, place an order on the website. Your little friend will be happy, because he will feel that he is cared for and loved.

The assortment includes the following items:

  • premium food, treats;

  • vitamin supplements;

  • veterinary products (for the prevention of parasites);

  • toys, clothing, accessories;

  • cages and aquariums.

Here you will find everything you need for your pets - from food and toys to care products. Qualified staff will tell you what is best for your pet. The store regularly holds promotions and offers great deals, come in and buy products for any amount!