Kharkiv, Ludwig Svobody Ave., 39
To care for pets, the owner needs many different products. This is food, dishes, toys, houses and much more. And how good it is when all this can be bought in one store. MasterZoo has a huge range of items for any request and price tag. Here it is convenient to choose and pay for goods for dogs, cats, rodents, birds, fish and reptiles. Consultations with specialists will help you understand what exactly your pet needs. All products are high-quality and certified, they are offered to customers by top brands that enjoy trust.
Come to the store at the address: Kharkiv, Ludwig Svobody Ave., 39 or order on the website:
food for different types of animals and birds;
vitamin and mineral complexes and treats;
all kinds of care products;
cages, aquariums and terrariums;
dishes for food and water;
toys for various types of activity;
transport boxes and carriers;
various accessories.
A few minutes, and your order is placed. All that remains is to pay for it in a convenient way and wait for the courier. You can purchase any number of products, they will be carefully packed and delivered to your door at the specified time.