Kyiv, Shopping center "Lavina Mall", str. Berkovetska, 6-D

Home goods

Kyiv, Lavina Mall shopping center, Berkovetskaya street, 6-D, 1st floor

Owners of cats, dogs, hamsters and parrots have to deal with constant running around the shops to buy everything they need for their pet. Sometimes you need to replace the food, choose entertainment or filler. If you are tired of this and just want to order everything at once in a comfortable environment, go to the MasterZoo website, or buy while leisurely strolling through the shopping center. The pet store will satisfy any wishes of animal owners and provide a quality guarantee for its products. We are located in Kyiv, Lavina Mall shopping center, on Berkovetskaya street, 6-D (first floor).

The range of the most popular products includes the following items:

  • meat treats, dry and wet food, vitamins;

  • dishes made of high-quality materials;

  • accessories (collars, clothes, muzzles, etc.);

  • beds and houses;

  • preventive preparations (against fleas, ticks, helminths).

If you are into aquaristics or have a reptile, here you will find what to choose for arranging a cozy house for an animal or fish. Constant discounts and markdowns will allow you to choose products at reduced prices and save your budget.